ATELI marketplace for European sellers

E-commerce sites operated by the companies of our group have one common denominator, namely the ATELI marketplace system, which brings together hundreds of merchants.

The marketplace platform is an electronic environment connecting sellers and buyers. Compared to running your own e-shop, this is a much easier way to sell products, with zero fixed costs for retailers. Our projects have had this model at their disposal since its inception. Originally, the platform was open exclusively to selected partners. However, we have now reached a stage where we are able to open it to the general business community throughout the European Union.

The marketplace platform is an electronic environment connecting sellers and buyers. Compared to running your own e-shop, this is a much easier way to sell products, with zero fixed costs for retailers. Our projects have had this model at their disposal since its inception. Originally, the platform was open exclusively to selected partners. However, we have now reached a stage where we are able to open it to the general business community throughout the European Union.

Product description translations are provided free of charge. Native speakers provide customer support.

Our goal is to connect buyers and sellers across the Europe and set in motion international retail.

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Supporting Diakonia West

Read an interview with Lenka Davídková, how Ateli Group is involved in helping the disabled in cooperation with Diakonia West. Read more HERE.  

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